Facts about figures: numeric styles with OpenType features

Jason Pamental
Web Typography News
6 min readJun 18, 2019


Over the past few months we’ve looked at a lot of different typographic techniques, approaches, and technologies. Before we get into the next big technical series (it’s high time we talk about font loading performance and management), I wanted to dial the focus back down into some finer details. Specifically I want to talk about OpenType features — but that can be a really big topic. So I want to start off right, and go by the numbers.

No, really: we’re going to talk about numbers.

Eyes wide Open(Type)



Jason Pamental
Web Typography News

principal designer @ Chewy.com. tinkerer, typographer, teacher, speaker. http://rwt.io, author:Responsive Typography (bit.ly/rwtbook). walker of Leo.